Mango Yogurt Popsicles

mango yogurt popsicles

My daughter loves Rosanna Pansino and one of our pastimes is to watch Nerdy Nummies on Kids YouTube together.  One day she made pureed watermelon popsicles using a Zoku.  She said it’s the easiest thing in the world and it makes popsicles in 8 minutes.  I was so excited I jumped on Amazon and got one.  And here I am with mango yogurt popsicles. You don’t have to pull out a big instruction booklet to figure out how to use...

Tropical Turmeric Smoothie

tropical turmeric smoothie

As you can tell I’m a big fan of smoothies.  I have to have restraint not to post every one I make.  Pretty much every day I have smoothie in the afternoon.  This one I call tropical because it’s got your mango and pineapple.  Of course I threw in some turmeric. Like all my smoothies this was made with stuff I had available.  It turned out awesome!  I’m remembering this one for sure. Right now pineapples taste like candy, so you definitely...